Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Macrumors being ugly?

So I'm a member over at the macrumors forums. I'm pretty active, and generally like the atmosphere there. Well, until now. As of right now I am banned from their forums, for merely stating my opinion, and the clear opinion of many others. Even if I am only banned for a few days, the principle is still there.

Apparently one moderator over there took it personally against me. I was merely arguing my point, not being rude in any way, I guess she couldn't stand that I actually had a valid argument and she couldn't take it anymore. She clearly made a point to get me banned, one way or the other.

I have contacted the administrator, but have not heard back.


Unknown said...

wow. you were banned from the macrumors. tim...what did you say? now, i bet you are going to be really bored b/c you are on those things all the time.

twood said...

it's only for a few days though. believe me, i've already emailed the adminstrator 3 times